Saturday, October 22, 2016

Upcoming Update Screenshots !!!WARNING Possible SPOILERS!!!

I've been at it again lately, and have some things to share. Let me start out by saying there's going to be another hak pack required. Nexorcist & Gutboy's Ship Interior. This ship I wanted to add because the tile set is important to the ending I have planned for the mod. As far as the next update goes, I should have it ready some time in the next couple of weeks. After a test run there's still too many hiccups in the scripts for me to be happy with it. But the hard part is out of the way already (the writing) for the most part. Now without further ado here's what's coming soon:

Another possible ending to "The Stalker" quest
 A new quest. Head north from the university district to find the wizard's tower.

Random johns will now respawn. Thanks to CalSailX for the scripts.
A new island adventure quest. Head west in the dock ward to the boardwalk.
 Find Pisces Goodwood to start the new quest.

Acquire your own ship for travel, storage, rest, or whatever.

 The Temple of Sune is now open for business in the Temple District.  If you get diseased or level drained.
 A conclusion to the Night Terrors quest. Check in the new brothel in the Slums.


  1. Looks great... looking forward to playing the update.

  2. Another ship, huh? Flashback! Hopefully this time she'll have better luck.

    Lots of new content to look forward to. Thanks for the update!

  3. Looking forward to the update!!


    Mod has been updated.

  5. My user pending approval on the vault, but thought I'd throw this inquiry here as well:

    My saved games crash when trying to load on this module. Happened with the last update as well. I've reloaded all the updated Haks, etc. New games load fine, and I've tried starting a new game the loading saved, but still crashes.

    The module loads, and game seems to load, but crash occurs when the area starts (cursor changes to a hand then Windows error message pops up). All other mods, even new ones with CEP 2.4, etc. all load saved games without incident. Any idea a solution?

    1. Sorry your'e having that problem. I recently had some crashing problems on a newer laptop. I lowered my in game video settings and haven't seen it in a while. I don't really remember what I changed exactly. Sorry if it's too vague, just try to play with vidoe settings. Not even sure if that's the answer but hope it helps.

  6. What kind of character-build do you use for your protagonist in your screen-shots, W.K. Builder?
    My guess is, it's a bard, am I right?
    Could you share stats and levels?

    1. In these particular pictures, I think I was rolling pure bard, which works just fine. I probably just did the default buld, because on full test runs I just like to get it done in a hurry. My favorite build is probably the 3 bard/2 fighter/4 RDD, with a focus on dual wielding daggers. I always take Artist and Silver Palm at level one, they can't be taken later. I've tried a lot of different combos like cleric, and sorc but I always use bard at level one because of the early perform checks. Start with 15 charisma and maybe a 14 in intelligence for extra skill points. High dex is good too. Focus on skill points in appraise, discipline, bluff and or persuade, perform. Any extras I put into tumble hide & move silently. IF you go for the RDD class you'll need 8 lore i believe. As for feats, you are pretty much open. I like going for dual wield feats. Skill focuses also make a lot of sense. Resist disease, lingering song, extra music, and stealthy are all viable. I know these aren't the usual "sexy" feats, but that's kind of the point.

  7. Thank you for your reply. This helps making my own "Willie" with the right skills. I will probaly go pure bard.
    Thank you for your hard work with your modules for NWN.

  8. How do you actually get the stalker quest to continue after you get Pisces to visit your home? Anyway, I'm loving your stuff!

    1. Find a mysterious figure in the Entertanment District. He hangs out in the alley behind the tavern.
