Skip passed the training prelude, or skip to the end. Note you will need an imported character to do this.
New quest involving the protesters.

New summons.
Dildo the gnome has a fetch quest. See if you can find all of the quest items.
Dirty Bum.
New erotic stuff.
New quest in the Dock Ward
Set Kate free from her slaver, or take her as your own.
New areas in Father's Lair.
Woo, congratulations! I'm glad to see that there's still mods for NW1.
ReplyDeleteAlmost a year ago I asked u to start patreon, now u have to! You have talent to write really kinky sex scenes. I want you to make games, and yes you can start even with this module for nwn, start to earn money to make your own game. It is not illegal to get donations as an artist, you don't violate laws if you start patreon because you dont sell enything. At the end it is your choice but really think about it.
ReplyDeleteSo, what's going to be ready in the beta? Gladiators? All locations with those "under construction" posts? This module could really use more MFM scenes. If you can, try adding some ranged weapons. Maybe even have one as training reward. Also that big, curly-haired head doesn't seem to be available during character creation.
ReplyDeleteYes, all of the existing unfinished stuff will be finished and hopefully animations to go with them.
DeleteTaken note about the ranged weapons. Myself I usually buy a sling from Alura's, but it's pretty under powered.
The curly head can be accessed at the body sculptor, but cycling through the heads can be a chore and buggy. I'm revamping the way the head changing scripts work though for BETA. I have put in a little work since final ALPHA, Most notably added a "hearthstone" type item so you can port back to your home. I also finished scenes with your romance partners, and Vrigor the Crime Lord. I have a total of three scenes I have left to do a bit of work on, Gladiators, The Stalker, and adding stuff to Vendala story.
I have admittedly taken a little break though from building recently, and doing a little gaming myself. I had a back log of games that I never finished. So planning a time for BETA would probably be false if I had to guess at it anyway.
I assume somewhere this year is a feasible beta release date, then? Quite a long time since 2012, eh?
DeleteSling is a good option - they are really underused in pretty much every other module. They can be used to lure monsters to be whacked by your allies from safe distance.
I also suggest expanding the scenes with wizard and priest in the temple (?) - they felt a bit lackluster. And who the heck is Vrigor? I only remember the boss that sells you to cultists.
And the last thing - do you know who are the authors of the chests with piercings and those high heels visible on the picture? Or which vault packages they are from. Thanks.
Possibly by end of year. I tend to be all or nothing when it comes to working on this game. Right now I'm just on a nothing phase. Given my casualness for working on it, sometimes I feel like I will always be working/adding to it.
DeleteVrigor is the half orc guy Willie meets who is holding Tylr prisoner. He's just a one shot character and probably his name was just easily forgettable.
I got many of the body parts from here.
A user named Aliris was trying to expand over the Dragon Claw Inn module, and a lot of the chests, pelvises, and heads came from that. I'm not actually sure if Aliris made them or not, but that's where I found them.
The heeled shoes I got from Mirror Q's Selena's Secrets mod, which I think the author scrapped, but he used alot of the same content for this mod:
I asked about the origin, they said some content were modified versions made by Mirror Q and others were from Sinfar haks.
The hak I use is sort of a Frankenstein's monster of stuff I've found over the last five years, and I may have forgotten some things. But a good share of it came from those two sources.
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteSorry to the anonymous poster who I accidentally deleted your comment, but I was able to copy it from my e-mail:
To me it seems like you are almost done with the bulk of the module ("under construction"). After that it's just expanding it with bonus stuff. I thought you also had an extra writer? Hopefully, these comments with motivate you a bit more.
Thanks for the clarification on the wardrobe issues. It appears that DCI "expanded" module is dead (yet another failed attempt), but cannot be downloaded by unregistered users. It never made to the vault either. You have and account, so perhaps you could extract all of those parts (especially that each chest and pelvis has both pierced and non-pierced variant and is hi-poly) and add to your "monster", if you haven't already, or even make a separate hak? It could be a great resource for others. Or at least it wouldn't fade into obscurity.
Looks like there are some big platform heels on the current screenshot of Teen Bloom - perhaps you can borrow them as well? Seems like the module is open for content re-use.
I found a high heel walk hak in the vault:
Maybe you can incorporate it in your module? It definitely fits the theme. I wonder if the zombie-walk can be used to trigger between this and normal running mode?
Finally, what I think is a missed opportunity, one of the female heads, the pony tail "default", has multiple variations of the hair in CEP. This means a hairdresser NPC could switch between them, giving PC a different haircut without altering the face. Naturally, this has zero influence on the gameplay, but makes a module more immersive. And is not hard to code.
In response, the models in question are already in the wk2hak pack included on the download page. You can change them on your character in the starting area by talking to the Unicorn.
The walk animation looks pretty good, and Teen Bloom doeds use it or something similar. It would take a bit of work though to change the PC's pheno to the walk one after animations are done. Perhaps I'll consider adding it in the future.
No problem with that comment - it's good you've been able to salvage it. OK, I get it - you got all models from that project.
ReplyDeleteNow, regarding the walk anim, isn't getting back to it from other animation just a matter of calling SetPhenoType? If you need help, I can look into it. Somewhere within six months.
I have quite a lot of nwscript experience and you seem to be a nice person, so if you run into some coding problems, just write on this blog. I may be able to help you out. Again, within six months.
Yea, SetPhenoType would be the way to go, it's just the work of sifting through all of the scripts where her pheno is changed for sex animations that would be the laborous part. Another alternative I was thinking would be an on equip item script, similar to the one used on the drow strap on outfit. I could easily pull that off whenever she equips her working outfit perhaps. If you'd like to script something that I could easily plug and play with I would not be adverse to you doing so. But that's up to you. I'm never one to turn away help with this kind of stuff. I might even be persuaded to send you my current working copy of the game if you wanted it. Like I outlined earlier, there are a few changes made to it that are yet unreleased. If interested just message me on gmail so I can reply/send you the files.
DeleteAll you need is to extract the scripts with nwnexplorer and search them at once for SetPhenoType string occurrence. Heck, to show this isn't a bait and switch, I'll do that for you. Check next post.
DeleteI suggest not using items. Nothing worse than a "OOC / can't remove / plot device" item in inventory. Better go with feats. After all, that's what they are for. Maybe edit one of the PLAYER_TOOL ones? Give it an icon, name and override x3_pl_tool01. Users could then drag it to the quickbar and be able to switch between phenos regardless of whatever the PC is wearing (including nothing). She would receive the feat after the training.
I'll try to play with this idea, even as a coding exercise, but in free time. If I get something that works and can be plugged instantly, I'll let you know, through mail. September is a reasonable date. Then we'll discuss if you need help with coding of other parts of the module.
In the meantime, you could finish the "under construction" stuff. Regarding the outfit - since it is supposed to be her main uniform, maybe make it possible to change it through dialogue? Add/remove/switch parts of it? Dye vendor could also help.
is project alive?
ReplyDeleteBeta version is still being worked on. Yes I am still here but admit I haven't been working on the game hard core lately. But I do have a bugs list I am working on from time to time. I think I have a work around for the cut scene bugs at the end of the game, and I've also added some new art and portraits, as well as some different animations since the final alpha. Also going forward the hak pack will be consolidated into one file for beta version.
DeleteJust a little update, I think I have a beta version about ready to launch soon. I just want to do a couple of successful run throughs of the game first. Also, to answer the question that nobody's asked yet about EE, I did already purchase it and I do intend to start working with Enhanced Edition but have not started to yet. The next update I intend to keep it in the 1.69 version and will leave it here ad infinitum. So 1.69 loyalists will still have a version to play with, and I think you'll find the next release to be pretty much completed. Any future updated versions however will be built using EE provided I am happy using it's toolset and everything works right.
DeleteJust wanted to say that I love the module, and that I waas hella happy to see that it was still being developed!