Wednesday, December 24, 2014

The Wink and Kiss Part 2 ALPHA

I've just released an alpha version of part two on the Neverwinter Vault.

This is the alpha version for The Wink and Kiss Part Two. The long awaited sequel to "Captain Dobbins' Cabin" From The Wink and Kiss. This is not a finished module, and is not intended to be an official release. Play at our own risk, as you may encounter game breaking bugs. If you do choose to play, feedback is always appreciated. I intend to continue developing this mod, and would like to release updates every month or so.
You are required to play a human or half elf female.
You will need at least 5 points in the persuade skill to get passed the docks area.


  1. So I got stuck pretty quickly; I did the carnival, VIP room and theater, then I end up in the temple district and I can't figure out how to progress.

    The conversation with Dirk in the room ends really suddenly, but I can still explore and find him by the gate to a graveyard with way too many zombies, but that place dead ends with nothing happening, I found the slums gate but can't get through, and I can go back to the entertainment district but nothing has changed there and the rickshaw isn't working so I'm stuck there.

    1. I'll have that fixed in the next version, which I'll probably update in January. As of now, if you want to see more of the mod just avoid the theater as it is not required to advance the plot.

    2. Alternatively, if you wanted to use the console command prompt, try this:


      DebugMode 1

      dm_setvarint rickshaw 1

      {click on your character}

      That would unlock the Rickshaw Puller.

    3. Thanks, I thought I did everything in my first game and the only thing left was the theater, but replaying it I found out I was stuck on the melaine's apartment quest.

      I thought I had resolved it but it turned out the option I chose at the very end (#2) just ended the conversation without updating the quest. I just had to run through the scene again and choose #3 and the quest updated and I could move on.

  2. Really like what I have seen so far. And when I went exploring around a bit, did see quite a bit of potential...

    Definitely could see things happen at the Arena. And even though there was no text involved, the gnome inventor visit was quite..stimulating. :) Could see potential in that North Tower (I think it was called) area as well.

    Look forward to further updates! Thanks for the hard work you have put in so far with it.

    1. Lol. You know I've been tinkering with this mod for years now. I had complety forgotten about poor Dildo the gnome. I'll have to revisit him some time soon and revamp that scene.

  3. Good stuff, I can't wait for you to finish it up.
