Apoligies for being silent for so long, but there simply wasn't anything to report for a long time. I quit working with the toolset for a while, however I recently picked it up again, and have made some great strides in the past month or so.
I started playing around with other hakpacks and trying to implement them into my module. I thought it was too many haks for one mod (at least 6 total hakpacks, not including CEP haks.) so I tried combining them into one tidy hak pack. Sadly, after a couple of days of plugging away with my new hakpack, I started to get corrupted areas. It was giving me a "list index out of bounds error" whenever I would try to open, or enter certain areas. It was just 4 areas, but they were just broken with no hope of fixing them. I tried starting a new module and importing areas in one at a time,but the corruption persisted causing me to lose 2 more areas. But worry not, nothing was actually "lost". I'm pretty obsessive about saving different copies of my mod(atleast once a month I rename it and back it up). So nothing is lost, rather I just have to back track a bit. Just incase you were interested, here are some of the things I was trying to add in to the mod.
- Failed Bard's intimate animations, featuring some girl on girl animations
- The Community Music Pack
- Some body part models from Dragon Claw Inn, featuring larger "endowments" on characters
I'm going to try and add the haks again, only in a different way this time, because I'm pretty sure the hak change is what broke my mod. But if it doesn't work this time I might just scrap the whole hak change idea.
Anyway I don't want to make any promises, but I'm getting pretty close to having something "playable" completed. I'd like to release some sort of alpha module on the vault soon. Again no promises, but I'm confident I could have a completed mod done by winter time. As long as the writer's block doesn't hit me again, or I get too busy IRL.